One of my recent projects this year, installing cheap and durable backsplash in my kitchen.
After long research considering tiles, stain proof plastic, glass and stainless steel, I decided to use aluminum panels. It has the same clean look as the stainless but much more easier to work with , lighter, easy to cut and does not hold fingerprints as much as the stainless.
This backsplash was about $100.00 off course I did not pay for the labor as it was all done by my super crafty husband. The aluminum sheaths size 15"x24" were purchased on e-bay, and they fit perfect because i had only 18" space between the overhead cabinets and the countertop + I wanted to add the suspension rod above the backsplash for my cutlery basket and the dish drainer.

For backing 1/4" plywood was used. Important is to find as much straight piece of board as possible. Measuring and cutting openings for the electrical outlets on the wall.

Before applying the glue (we used contact cement) all the outlets are cut in the aluminum sheaths also. I used the first piece of aluminum at the edge of the wall outlet because it was easier to cut the rectangular opening like this and it made sense for the joint to be positioned here.

The first piece is installed. Next to follow.

At the end after the aluminum sheaths are all glued and dried, aluminum "L" edging was also glued to the panel. The corners were mitered. I had to use some caulk at the wall as it was not perfectly straight.